How to make your Events Sustainable & Environment friendly?
As per ISO 20121, Sustainable Events Management is defined as the simultaneous incorporation of environmental and social responsibilities with the planning and execution of any event.
Sustainable Events Management is like caring for each and every entity who are involved in the event in any way. Sustainability not only means reducing the harmful impacts of solid wastes and carbon emissions on our environment, but it also includes setting up positive examples so that the community as a whole gets benefitted.
Every year there are millions of public gatherings in form of social and corporate events taking place across the world, which leave its carbon footprints on the environment. In United States alone, around 1.9 million meetings were held in 2016 as per Oxford Economics and Events Industry Council, 2018. As events are gaining popularity among the marketeers due to its high ROI compared to other marketing methods, there has been a 17% increase in events in 2018. These social and community gatherings in different forms like sport championships, religious and cultural celebrations, fairs and festivals, private parties, corporate events, etc. contribute towards piles of waste which goes unattended leading to serious concerns for the environment.
Team Ideazfirst is concerned, and we assume most of us are concerned about the after effects on environment after an event but is not sure whether a cost-effective sustainable event is actually possible? For years, event organizers have been plagued by this myth that a sustainable events are expensive and not successful. We, at Ideazfirst will show you by our tried and tested real-life on-site practices that it is not true at all.
Let’s look at few simple best practices to plan a sustainable event followed by event companies worldwide and how Ideazfirst is playing a positive role in saving the environment by incorporating the same.
Sustainable Planning
A little planning at the beginning goes a long way and it can also prove to be a trend setting step in the industry. We at Ideazfirst plan with innovation, and our research team strives to create new techniques and ideas which are reusable as well as unique & nature friendly too. For example: Lesser usage of non-biodegradable design elements like plastics for branding & stage, optimum choice of sound systems in sync with the venue dimensions, and proper placement of audio systems to reduce overall power consumption, use of natural fabrics to create banners, etc. For our events at Ideazfirst, we take detailed care of the following points in the planning stage so that it can be executed accordingly.
1. We make sure to hire sound systems which is optimum for the venue size. The placement is planned well to ensure that it can deliver the optimum sound henceforth reducing the energy expenses.
2. If sound proof generators are required for an event venue, we hire smaller units i.e. two units of 25 KVA, instead of one unit of 62 KVA, which improves the power supply drastically, consumes less diesel per hour and lesser noise pollution. Also we have the flexibility of switching off one generators during the event when there is lesser requirements for electricity.
3. Ideazfirst has started to use natural fabrics to create banners and other display materials in comparison to non-bio degradable flex and plastics. After the events, we donate these to NGOs which is used by them in various ways like making carry bags, providing sheds to cattle, etc. This initiative is a part of Ideazfirst’s CSR work.
Work Paperless
In today’s age, communication has become so easy with emails and social media networks. Gone are the days when you had to use sheets after sheets of paper to plan and execute an event. Now with the latest technology and software available you just have to create a file on your system and share it with the respective persons concerned which is also a cost-effective way to work.
At Ideazfirst, we take use the most advanced digital solutions and collaborative apps / platforms for all stages of event i.e. planning, marketing, delegate registration & production. The company uses Zoho One (integrated 40 business apps), Google apps, MS OneDrive to share and collaborate information. The aim is to use these features as efficiently as possible and work towards creating a program where there is no use of pen and paper.
Optimum use of transport and location
Flexible usage of transport means and location to your advantage can be a smart way to reduce carbon footprints. There is a myriad of options which you can choose from like booking a venue at the same hotel where the attendees are staying or getting a place closer to the airport so to cut down on use of transport. Both these ways will be cost effective and time saving too. You can reduce the usage of cars by opting for shuttle services. This not only makes your event green but also will be a distinct experience for the attending executives who get time to bond on the go.
Another thing to keep in mind is to look for eco-friendly locations or hotels for the event. When you are giving a detailed attention towards the environment in your events, then the venue should also match with your outlook.
The Ideazfirst team is diligently looking to optimize the use of transport to reduce carbon emissions. Except for the VIP guests, we hire larger vehicles like Tempo Traveler (26-seater), Tata Winger (17-seater) instead of smaller cars with 4–5 seating capacity for guests commuting between hotels and airports to reduce the overall fuel consumption and reducing air pollution as much as possible. We ensure our vehicles are of the latest emission norms compliant like Bharat Stage 4.
Managing Resource Purchase
If your event is well planned, then this point is automatically taken care of. Go for obtaining only those resources which are really needed for the program. You can also take the help of previous year’s accounts to know which area of expenses can be avoided. Sustainable planning will also go a long way for your company’s growth as strategies for one event can be successfully applied to other programs too. For example, if your last year’s budget exceeded for stationery supplies, then you can look for reasonable eco-friendly options or also create recycled solutions to use paper effectively.
Since the inception of LED lights for commercial use (since last 10 years), we, at Ideazfirst are using LED PAR lights instead of other high electricity consuming lighting options for event venues. These energy saving options consumes 50 watts of energy per hour against 1000 watts consumed by a normal LED PARCAN light. We also ensure that the total number of lighting units are optimum, without compromising the venue / stage lighting quality. This is the way Ideazfirst is managing energy sustainability as an event organizer. Just a little creativity and smart thinking will reduce carbon emissions and be cost effective too.
Food and Beverages
This area needs special mention because more than 50% wastage is related to food and drinks in any event. Be it plastic glasses or plates and cutlery or extra food or excess supply of drinks; all this needs to be checked at the initial level only. You will get a lot of biodegradable options for glass and plates or you can also opt for the reusable ones. Get the guest confirmation beforehand so that you don’t order extra food and drinks.
Also, creating awareness amongst the attendees for not wasting food and water is also a good idea. You can place different bins marked properly for different types of waste. Last but not the least, always make arrangements to donate the leftover food, if any. There are many local programs going on in every city which can take care of this. The food waste, if any, at our events by Ideazfirst is effectively managed by donating it to places where it is needed.
Waste Management
Waste management is a matter of serious concern for the event industry in the present day when the whole world is worried about the adverse effects of global warming. This again can be avoided with some innovative thinking and planning accordingly. If you can incorporate the three R’s, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle at every stage, right from the start till the finish, then creating a sustainable event with minimum waste can be so easy.
The idea is to reduce the production of waste so that you don’t have to look for options to manage it. Creating awareness amidst the staff and executives is very essential because they will also partially contribute towards creating a green event. At Ideazfirst, we take special care to create awareness and take part in healthy discussion with team members about latest ways to optimize the use of resources.
These are some of the ways adopted by Ideazfirst/ to create sustainable events. The 2012 Edelman’s Good Purpose Survey found that 76% of global consumers are willing to buy from companies that support a good cause, while the 2013 Havas Media’s Meaningful Brands Survey found that 71% of consumers want companies to solve social problems. (Source: Frugal Innovation by Navi Radio & Jaideep Prabhu).
We completely believe that even a small step counts when it comes to saving this beautiful world. Our team is earnestly working towards making our events environment friendly. Although, we still have a long way to go but it is always better to be aware and start slow than to remain ignorant. As a marketing services & events company, we feel that it is our responsibility to look for sustainable solutions to organise eco-friendly programs and we will continue to play our role along with a promise to serve our clients in the best possible way.